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  • Writer's pictureEmily Wall

So... Why Germany?

Let's play a little game of word association, shall we?! When I say the words "overseas missions", what are the first words or images that come to mind? If I had engaged in this task several years ago, my thoughts would have drifted to the bustling metropolitan centre of Nairobi, or to the majestic and imposing Kremlin of Moscow. Based on a couple short-term missions trips that I have taken over the years, I might have pictured myself being transported to the pristine beaches and the many, MANY kilometres of roads winding through the parishes of Barbados.

I'm not sure how many of you would have even thought of Germany. After all, countless signs adorn magnificent cathedrals throughout the nation, marking the work of Martin Luther during the Reformation Period. She stands among the world's leading nations with regards to standards of industry, medical research and education. I mean, one only needs to take a look at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics medal standings to realize that Germany is a force to be reckoned with. This is how a lot of us look at Germany, but the pictures below do a better job of exhibiting the Germany that I see:

A few years ago I found myself on a whirlwind trip to the Hessen and Bavaria regions, where I first sensed a call to serve in this beautiful nation. One day I was fortunate to take a day trip to Frankfurt with a new friend. We spent a lot of time strolling through the marketplaces, soaking in the energy of the urban environment. A single church (Pictures 1&2) immediately caught my eye, as it stood tall and proud right in the middle of the city core. It was clear that some construction was taking place, so we weren't able to get too close to investigate the historic architecture. Needless to say, this church (and others like it) are absolutely stunning! But I also observed something else - most of them are empty.

While Germany certainly boasts a robust and revered Christian heritage, statistics suggest that less than 1% of its population is made up of Evangelical Christians, and almost 39% of Germans profess no religious affiliation whatsoever. Secularism is a dominant movement across Eurasia, which is one of the main reasons why the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (abbv. "PAOC") has worked to strengthen its missions work and presence in this region significantly over the past decade.

On top of this, Germany is an international nation, frequently hosting new immigrant and refugee populations. As the world arrives on Germany's doorstep, the harvest truly is ripe to see souls brought into a new homeland AND into the Kingdom of God. It is inspiring and humbling to see the body of Christ in Germany - and throughout Eurasia - being raised up and empowered for such a time as this!

In further blogs I will go into a bit more detail on the journey that brought me to this step into global missions, along with some of the phenomenal PAOC- and German-based leaders and organizations with whom I am honoured to serve. But for now, I pray that God will begin to challenge you to find your "why", your "where", and maybe even your "how". Just remember: Wherever God calls you to serve - be it Berlin or Beachburg! - and whoever's life God calls you to touch, we are but tools in the hands of the Father, surrendered to His purposes.

Yours in the Great Commission,


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