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  • Writer's pictureEmily Wall

Back on Track! (Train tracks, that is...)

It seems like so much time has passed since I dropped by to give you an update. I almost feel the need to reintroduce myself! But in all seriousness, I’d like to thank you for your ongoing prayers and financial support during this season, and especially during the past month. Although it’s been an emotional tilt-a-whirl, I’ve been surrounded by so many kind people who have helped me to regain my bearings and redirect my attention toward the Lord of the mission.

This special couple deserves a massive shout-out: Paul and Lynn Kohls :). Thank you so much for offering up your time, your home, and your incredible generosity during my time in Slovakia. This powerhouse global worker couple has been family friends for many years, but I now consider them to be family at a deeper level. To learn more about their work in higher education, leadership development, discipleship training, and more, check out their official global worker profile HERE.

Photo Description: Just finished a delicious Wiener schnitzel lunch at the legendary Café Central, in the heart of Vienna.

(Also, a huge thank you to Steve and Patti Hertzog for allowing me to hitch a ride from Bad Brückenau to Bratislava. I'll never forget the time we introduced my new Slovak bestie, Slavka, to VeggieTales Silly Songs!!!)

I returned to Das Kanada Haus a couple of weeks ago, capping off a hyper-speed five-country tour that took me through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary (Budapest), the Czech Republic (Prague), and, of course, the lovely Deutschland :). On Wednesday, May 18 (Happy birthday, Dad!!), I boarded the express train in Vienna and spent about 5 hours speeding through the pristine, green countryside on my way to Würzburg. My connection was a little delayed but I eventually caught my last train to Fulda, where the Brandts picked me up and we returned to DKH.

Things were still in full swing back at the base, with the OMEGA team set to leave for the Frankfurt Airport the next morning. All our students got back to Summit Pacific College safely, where they enjoyed a final few days of debriefing, worship, and goodbyes to their teachers and classmates. I’m so excited to tell you about the amazing things God did during these students’ time in Europe, but you will get all the information in the next edition of the Das Kanada Haus prayer newsletter. Stay tuned!

Photo Description: One of our fabulous OMEGA teams traveled into Eastern Slovakia to minister among the Roma people. Thank you to the Bean family, Patti Hertzog, and Slavka Golis for being such fabulous hosts and facilitators! CLICK HERE to watch the team's recap video put together by team member Brooklyn Richmond.

Photo Description: The OMEGA teams reconvene for one more chapel service at Das Kanada Haus.

Post-OMEGA, it has become an inside joke that two things in life convince me of the reality of eternity: laundry and dishes!! We had a relatively quick changeover after the Canadian team's departure, as we went on to host two leadership retreats last week: Verein Levi (a Christian social work agency in Schweinfurt) and Frei Christengemeinde Der Fels ("The Rock" Church - Mainz and Worms campuses). Notably, Worms is the city where, in 1521, Martin Luther defended his revolutionary writings before the ruling elite and the Roman Catholic Church. When the reformer was asked to amend his views and compromise - even by threat of ex-communication and death - he boldly declared, "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." We are thrilled to see young leaders choosing to plant a vibrant evangelical church in this key location, and we pray that they would be filled with that same passion and unshakeable faith.

CLICK HERE to witness a powerful worship moment during the Der Fels leadership retreat at DKH!

And finally, this past Sunday I was thrilled to have the opportunity to help lead worship at Frei Christegemeinde Saaletal in Hammelburg. It was amazing to collaborate with the church's worship leader, Sylvia. She has such a fun-loving spirit, a beautiful voice, and an exceptional command of the English language!

FCG Saaletal is a German-speaking church, so I had the added challenge of learning to sing some of my favorite worship songs in another language. I've found churches to be fantastic places for language learners, especially in the smaller Pentecostal churches I've visited. We sing a lot of the same contemporary worship songs in Canada, and while the translations aren't necessarily word-for-word, they are usually quite faithful to the original song lyrics. Also, because Markus was preaching in German, he gave me a copy of his sermon notes in English so I could follow along with his main points and Scripture passages. This was a huge help, as my reading skills tend to be stronger than my listening skills when I'm learning a new language or concept. And to save the best for last, the German people love their post-church café time! There's nothing better than sitting down for some good ol' Kaffee und Kuchen and trying to pick up on as much small talk as possible. It was a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and I'm definitely looking forward to my next time there!

Here's our practice attempt at Gräber zu Gärten ("Graves into Gardens")! :D

As a final note, I'm happy to say that I am currently just over $500 CAD away from reaching my fundraising goal for the entire trip! Thank you again for your ongoing support. At this point, almost all sufficient funds have been raised to provide for my transportation and room and board costs. The remainder of the funds raised will be invested directly into the ministry of Das Kanada Haus and some deserving local churches and/or Christian organizations. If you would like to take advantage of this special opportunity to sow into the grassroots work of the Kingdom, please CLICK HERE to visit my secure donor page. Thank you again!

Yours in the Great Commission,


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